We’re changing the way you contact us online

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Many of you may be aware of the current pressures which are affecting General Practices nationwide. The overall demand for appointments has increased greatly and pressures continue to change, therefore we needed to make changes at our practice to be able to manage this demand. Many of you may be aware that we have been using Klinik as our Online consultation and triage tool. Our practice main clinical system is SystmOne. This clinical system is used across primary and community care settings. This system is what we use to book your appointments and store your electronic medical record. SystmOne has recently released some fully integrated triage software so it is all built in the SystmOne clinical system. The new software is called SystmConnect and the practice has decided to change to use this as our new online consultation and triage tool from Monday 22nd April 2024. The benefits of using SystmConnect is it works with a variety of online systems and Apps such as the NHS app which some of our patients use to order their prescriptions. The clinicians will be able to access your online form and your medical record on the one system which also makes it easier for them to manage your request. The online patient form will be slightly different but still very easy to use.

Our Practice Goals

  • Enable easy and equitable access to our services
  • Provide rapid triage of all medical requests
  • Improve collaborative working between teams within the practice
  • Reduce ‘unseen’ work and ensure manageable workload for all staff
  • Reduced telephone call wait times for patients

What are the core benefits for patients? 👪

Some of the benefits for patients include:

Better continuity of care

Reduced appointment waiting times

Improved access for patients who cannot use technology by reducing call volume

Improved efficiency